Who Needs Tax Planning?

What is Tax Planning?

Tax planning doesn’t cost, it pays! Most accountants only look backwards to record history, with Tax Planning with a Certified Tax Coach (CTC) we will look forward to writing your own tax story. Tax planning is not just about more deductions or contributing to a retirement account, but about looking for long term strategies to save money and doing it the right way.

Maybe Less is More

While individuals can benefit with planning choices such as contributing to IRAs and HSA, the real benefits of advanced tax planning are felt by small businesses.. Strategies like Advanced Entity Selection, Reasonable Compensation Reports, Accountable Reimbursement Plans, Hiring of Children, Solo 401ks and Cost Segregation Studies are a few of the ways a Certified Tax Coach can help improve your tax situation. Individual professionals and small private practices such as psychiatrists, doctors, dentists can often save thousands of dollars every year by taking advantage of our understanding of the tax codes. 

Who Are the Best Tax Planners?

While many accountants may offer basic tax planning, often they mean calculating your tax liability and nothing more. A Certified Tax Coach (CTC) will give you insights that traditional accounts might not have the experience or training to see. Certified Tax Coaches complete advanced training and regularly drill unique and common tax mistakes to make sure they can offer you the most up to date tax strategies.

Here at Olympia Tax Service, Certified Tax Coach Jim Gerner uses his Tax Planning program to create a personalized Tax Playbook based on your unique financial situation, giving you the power to understand your liabilities and assets, while creating a tax strategy to reach your goals. Let us implement and maintain your unique Tax Playbook so you can focus on what you do best, keeping your clients happy and your business profitable. 

With a complimentary review of your tax and financial statements Olympia Tax Services will see if there is an opportunity to save money or if there are long term problems in how you are reporting to the IRS.

Whether your goal is to get out of debt or cement your legacy for future generations, Olympia Tax Service aggressively fights to keep every dollar working for you, while also keeping you out of trouble with the IRS. Achieve your personal goals faster so that you can reach your full potential in your industry and beyond by starting a personalized Tax Plan today.